May 07

Travel Risks After Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Fat transfer breast augmentation provides a natural looking enlargement that is easier on you body than implants. The great thing about this method is that the recovery time is faster and it isn’t as invasive as traditional surgeries. It is similar to liposuction in that the fat is removed from your thighs or buttocks and then transferred to your breasts. Read on to learn more about fat transfer breast augmentation and the recovery times for the procedure.

The first part of the process is sleeping with a special device that expands your breast tissue as you sleep. It is important to loosen the density of your breasts so they will be properly prepared for the fat injections. Once your breast tissue is expanded enough for the procedure, the fat will be grafted into your breasts using needles. There are no scars and no incisions.

This method is perfect for someone who doesn’t want to endure an invasive operation and also wants a more natural look. Since you are using fat harvested from your body, the look is very natural. Your breasts will feel soft and they won’t have that hard look that you can sometimes get with implants.

You don’t have to worry about the potential negative side effects of having something foreign in your body. You also get to enjoy a very quick recovery time and there are no cuts or incisions to deal with. It only takes a few days to recover from the procedure. This is a great procedure for someone who wants a natural looking breast and doesn’t want a foreign object in their breasts.

Image result for heal time for breast augmentationThe recovery time only takes two or three days and you will experience some soreness and swelling. You should avoid traveling during the three day initial healing period and just take it easy. Before you travel, you will want to check with your doctor and make sure it is okay. As long as you follow your recovery instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems with your augmentation.

If you want to augment your breasts with the most natural results and you don’t want to leave scars or end up with breasts that feel unnatural, augmentation is the right choice. This procedure is much less invasive and gives you natural looking results that you are going to love. With a minimal recovery time, you can resume normal activities fast.